I’ve written ad nauseam on this blog about all of the best things to do in Buenos Aires.
There are countless articles on everything you need to know from where to stay and how to stay safe, itineraries, what to eat, tours…
You’d think I’d be done.
I’m not.
There are always tips here and there that either don’t fit into those posts or, in my opinion, bear repeating.
So instead of what to do, this article is full of the things NOT to do in Buenos Aires.
This catch all list is filled with important pieces of advice that will help you have the best trip.

Things NOT to do in Buenos Aires
While it’s easy to find what to do in a city, here’s a list what NOT to do when in Buenos Aires.
Go to La Boca after dark
Most of Buenos Aires is safe and walkable, even after dark.
However, the popular tourist destination of Caminito in La Boca is not one of them.
Plan your visit there for daylight hours and as sunset approaches, hail a taxi or bus back to the center.
Since La Boca is a bit far-flung from other tourist destinations, I recommend the hop on hop off bus for this.
Buenos Aires is a massive city but this bus will cover a LOT of ground in a short amount of time.
I recommend using it as your transportation to harder to reach areas, hopping on and off in areas like La Boca.
This reduces the need of a taxi in an area you’d otherwise definitely need to arrange transportation to.
Other barrios like Recoleta, Palermo, and even downtown are relatively safe after dark.
Call The US “America”
All of Latin America is America.
All of South America is AMERICA.
And this is the angry comments you’ll get in response if you refer the United States of America as simply “America” in Argentina.
And while we’re at it, don’t say there are 7 continents.
In Argentina, North and South America are taught as one ONE continent, not two.
If you want a f heated conversation with a local, this is an easy ticket to one.

Botch the currency exchange
Money in Argentina is anything but straightforward.
From the one peso equals one dollar years on the 90’s and the utter economic collapse of 2001, the situation has always been tense and confusing for tourists.
At the moment there are two exchange rates (admittedly there are a lot more than two but only two will matter for you).
The official rate is the rate you’ll get when you use your credit cards to pay for things or ATM cards to pull out cash.
The blue dollar is the black market rate or parallel exchange rate caused by the demand of locals to purchase foreign currency despite government limitations on locals from purchasing foreign currency.
As of writing (October 2022), the spread between these rates is 100%. You’re money will go twice as far if you use the blue dollar exchange rate.
It’s always a good idea to also bring physical cash to exchange in case something about your transfer gets blocked or a WU location isn’t open when you need it.
At the moment, Western Union is the best way to do this. Click here to create an account.
Read More: A Complete Guide to Money in Argentina
Bring small bills
To add on to the above point on currency exchange, when bringing physical cash to exchange in Buenos Aires always bring crisp, brand new, unmarked hundred dollar bills.
Most exchange houses will still accept smaller bills but will likely give a slightly less advantageous exchange rate. Some might reject them completely.

Be flashy
Style in Argentina is overall very laid back and understated, even among the wealthy.
There’s no need to dress flashy, even in the city. You’ll see a lot of simple dresses, jeans, sneakers, and the like.
High heels aren’t common and thanks to rough sidewalks and cobbletone, I don’t recommend it.
Looking for some added height? Wear platforms, just like the locals.
Leave your family heirlooms and diamonds at home.
Wedding bands here are traditionally that, bands.
Big diamonds will stick out and there’s simply no need to travel with anything that would break your heart if it were lost or stolen.
That’s a good rule to follow anywhere in the world, not just Argentina.

Rush through meals
In Argentina, meals are meant to be enjoyed.
Take your time and enjoy your meal and the company you are with.
Turnover isn’t a thing and the waitress will not rush you out so she can flip the table.
That means that the bill will not be brought to your table until you ask for it.
In fact, the server likely won’t come back again once they drop the food off so if you want another soda, wine, or the dessert menu you’re going to have to flag them down.
And yes, it does feel like they’re willfully ignoring you and no, it’s not cause you’re foreign.
That’s a special treat for everyone.

Stay Downtown
When it comes to finding accommodation, I know it’s tempting to find the tourist attractions on the map and get a hotel by them.
Don’t do that in Buenos Aires.
The bulk of the attractions are in downtown, near Avenida 9 de Julio or on Plaza de Mayo.
And, as to be expected, a lot of hotels and major chains are located here right on 9 de Julio or in the surrounding blocks.
But this area is a bit chaotic and not beautiful, especially after dark. It can also feel unsafe in certain areas and lacks charm, overall.
I only recommend staying here if your time is VERY limited, say 1 or 2 days. And then stay on Avenida de Mayo or in San Telmo, rather than on 9 de Julio.
Instead, I always recommend staying in Palermo or Recoleta (or alternative areas like Colegiales, Villa Crespo, Chacarita, and Belgrano, that are all in the same vicinity as Palermo).
Read More: Where to Stay in Buenos Aires
These neighborhoods have a lot more to offer for restaurants and authenticity.
You can take an affordable taxi or the subway downtown and at night and in the morning be closest to your dining and nightlife.

Be Carefree with your phone
I know in the states you can casually leave your new iPhone on the edge of your table at lunch. I remember in college even leaving my laptop in the library unattended when I’d go outside for a phone call.
In Buenos Aires, don’t.
Safety isn’t a major concern but petty theft is (just like any major city in the world).
Don’t leave your phone on the table at meals. Don’t use it in the streets when it could be easily snatched.
To avoid any troubles, step into a shop’s door to use your phone if you’ll be distracted.
Read More: Is Buenos Aires Safe for Tourists?
Go to a milonga unprepared
I get asked a lot how to see tango authentically, rather than a “touristy” tango show.
The answer is go to a milonga, or tango dance hall.
First, let me say that “touristy” tango shows are spectacular and you should absolutely go to one.
But second, you need to know what you’re walking into when you go to a milonga.
There are strict unspoken codes of behavior in molingas… How to ask someone to dance, how to dress, can you just watch?
I highly recommend going on a milonga tour with a local like this one to avoid inadvertently putting your two left feet in your mouth.
Be on time
People in Buenos Aires are not punctual and they will be shocked if you are.
I say this as a chronically punctual person.
The number of books I’ve read while waiting for friends to show up at the bar would make Rory Gilmore proud.
Don’t be insulted when your business meeting, date, friend, or even teacher show up fashionably late.
It’s just the way it is.
Use the mail
Receiving mail from abroad in Argentina is either next to impossible, exorbitantly expensive, or a major waste of time.
Usually, it’s a combination of the three.
If your package arrives to its destination, you’ll be taxed an insane amount on it. Even the cost of shipping will be included in the value taxed.
You’ll be charged for the storage of your package on the shelf until you pick it up.
That includes the number of days it sits there before you’re even blessed with the notification.
Then you’ll waste a day (if you’re lucky, just the one day) in customs in line after line after line to pick it up.
And don’t even get me started on if the package gets held at Ezeiza and you have to pay for a taxi there and back to get it.
Do not ship yourself clothes thinking it will be better than just bringing a heavier suitcase, something I saw guests do when I worked in a hotel in Barcelona.
And tell your loved ones to forego the care packages.
It is simply not worth it.
Argentina Travel Resources
- TRAVEL INSURANCE | It is always a good idea to travel insured. It protects you in so many cases, like lost luggage and trip cancellations, medical emergencies and evacuations. It’s very affordable with the potential to save you thousands in the case of an emergency. I recommend SafetyWing.
- PHONE PLAN | These days, traveling with data is essential. Especially in Argentina where everything is managed on Instagram and WhatsApp. I recommend this E-SIM card. It’s hassle-free and affordable, for more read how to get an Argentina sim card.
- ACCOMMODATION IN ARGENTINA | booking.com is the most common hotel site used in Argentina and it’s where you’ll find the most options.
- RENTAL CARS | I love to travel Argentina via road trip, I’ve always used rentalcars.com, now they are operating under the umbrella of Booking.com’s car rental system.
- BUS TICKETS | Check Busbud for long distance bus routes and tickets.
- VPN | If you’ll be using a public WiFi connection and want to secure your data, I highly recommend using a VPN, I personally use and have had a good experience with ExpressVPN. I also use it to access Hulu and American Netflix from Argentina.
- FLIGHTS | Always check Google Flights and Skyscanner for flights to and within Argentina. Aerolineas Argentina is the local airline with the most routes. FlyBondi and Jetsmart are two budget airlines with dirt-cheap prices (but expect to pay for every add-on like luggage).
- BOOK A CONSULTATION | I offer one-on-one travel consultations to help you plan your trip to Argentina. Pick my brain to get a local’s insight. Click here for more information.
Thank you, that’s all very helpful and interesting. I’m intrigued to get a closer look at this unique, messed-up, beautiful and fun country.
I was even gonna have something shipped to me but not anymore. Ya done good, Erin!
I’ve been in the travel business for years; I have to say this has been an interesting and “right on” article. But, I would have been a little stronger on the everyday crime in BA.
Everyday crime is definitely a hot topic and everyone has a different opinion. I find the fear and claims to be overblown, you definitely do need to be cautious but it’s not more dangerous than any other major city.
Everyday crime has definitely increased (at least between 2019 and 2024). I am a long time visitor to Buenos Aires (usually stay at least a month) and until my current stay I had never seen anybody mugged in broad daylight in any neighborhood. On my second day here this time around I saw two(!) muggings of elderly women in Recoleta in less than a week. I have been warned by my neighbors that it has gotten worse, so it doesn’t hurt to grow eyes in the back of one’s head.